We are based in Belgium, but work internationally.
Project Inquiries

What we believe in.

How can we harness AI to serve individuals and communities across diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and worldviews?



How do you develop great AI in international markets?

At Best Goed studio, we understand that data science teams sometimes need to develop AI for markets they are not physically present in. Of course, this presents a tough challenge: how do you ensure your team learns about a target domain in completely unfamiliar cultures and environments?

That’s where Best Goed studio steps in. Through human-centered design research, we go to and immerse ourselves in specific regions and communities to gather local domain knowledge. Our mission is to assist data science teams in understanding domains in unfamiliar markets so they can develop great AI that improves the lives of the people using them.

From refining model objectives to enhancing robustness and identifying potential biases, our insights are key to create exceptional AI models in any market.

See how we incorporate our mission in our work.

Wait.. what's an AI Design Research studio?

As an AI design studio, we help you make the right choices when developing AI systems. We’re not talking about the visual side of things, nor the technical, but about making something that your target audience can connect with. Think of it this way: You might have the fanciest, most technically advanced AI, but if people can’t or won’t use it, what’s the point?

You need to understand your audience and then turn that understanding into a practical solution. The tools and methods for accomplishing both of these tasks often fall outside the typical toolkit of a data science team, so that’s where we join the table and step in to help.


Best Goed

“Best goed” reflects Belgian culture at its finest. Here, we don’t say something is really good, but rather downplay it, even if it is really good. Instead, we say it’s “best goed”, meaning kind of good.

Hard to truly understand outside of Belgian culture and to pronounce*, it represents our belief that cultural nuances and contexts are essential to AI. After all, you don’t want your audience to ‘mispronounce’ your AI, so to speak.

And hey, if that doesn’t convince you, we feel the name is still best goed.

*say “best” + “good” in English, but don’t use your throat for the g. Alternatively, send us a message to hear how we say it 😉

  • Niels Quinten, PhD

    With extensive experience leading a wide variety of AI projects at the PXL University of Applied Sciences and Arts and developing tools to make AI more accessible for SMEs, Niels offers a highly practical perspective on AI development. Combining this with a PhD on human-centered design of technology, as well as extensive cultural exploration, Niels bridges the worlds of technology and human complexity to advocate for AI that has impact in the real world.

  • Niels Quinten, PhD

Got a project?
Let’s talk.

We love tech, design and culture and get excited about getting AI adopted by a wide variety of audiences.

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