We are based in Belgium, but work internationally.
Project Inquiries



1. Do you anticipate the need for domain knowledge specific to countries or cultures unfamiliar to your team?

2. Have you considered the challenges associated with acquiring domain knowledge from other countries or cultures, such as language barriers and cultural misinterpretation?

3. Do you anticipate encountering gaps in domain knowledge during your project that can't be filled by a specific domain expert?

4. Do you see a potential competitive edge gained from acquiring deeper domain knowledge in your project's market?

5. Do you see the value in being physically present in the environment where your AI will be deployed?

6. Does your team have experience in qualitative methods and human-centered design research?

7. Are you willing to allocate sufficient budget for investing in domain knowledge acquisition for your project?

8. Do you prioritize starting your AI development process by understanding real-world needs and context within the domain?

9. Are you committed to partnering with a service provider who can offer expertise in navigating domain-specific challenges?

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